For many communities in our partner countries, survival is a daily battle. The year 2020 has been especially difficult for village communities where geographic conditions and the impact of COVID-19 have decimated resources that were already very meager. As our partner churches and mission points are overwhelmed by the needs, we sought the Lord’s guidance for what He would have us do. A plan has been developed which we are calling “Sponsor a Family” (SAF) for the remainder of 2020 to help address these needs.
For example, many small villages in these countries lack food because of extreme drought this year. Farm workers who rely on day-to-day labor to feed their families are unable to work and their families are literally going to bed hungry at night.
We know God loves these families deeply, and has given His church the responsibility of caring for their needs. ServingHIMs’ “Sponsor a Family” program will give families in desperate need resources for survival. As always, our commitment is to “Make disciples of Jesus Christ, bringing hope and healing worldwide”. For every investment into a families’ physical needs, we will equally invest in their spiritual needs by providing bibles, evangelists, and connection points through our local church partners to bring these resources to families in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.