ServingHIM Missions


ServingHIM 501c(3) nonprofit organization that is dedicated to serving others worldwide by ministering to both physical and spiritual needs. Our mission teams travel to impoverished areas in Romania, Guatemala, and Moldova to provide quality care to those in need both through our Dental and Medical Clinics and through community Health Fairs. Our Evangelism team ministers to each person that comes through our clinics. Our Community Outreach team distributes Goats, Pigs, or Chickens and Food Baskets to families living in very poor villages; as well as build stoves and latrines for families in Guatemalan villages. Our Children's Ministry team teaches a healthy habits presentation in public schools and works in the local village churches to put on a Vacation Bible School for their children.


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Ready to go on a mission trip? Click below to fill out an Online Mission Trip application on Managed Missions.

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