21st Annual servinghim Golf tournament

has been canceled

on april 30, 2021

Dear Ministry Partners,

With great reluctance, we have decided to cancel the 2021 ServingHIM Annual Charity Golf Tournament that was to take place on April 30th. Although strides are being made in the fight against COVID-19 and the distribution of the vaccine, we are concerned with keeping you safe and healthy. Our prayer is that we will be able to resume our annual golf tournaments starting in 2022.

Although our ServingHIM golf tournament has been canceled, we still need your help. Our ServingHIM operations and expenses are still ongoing. If you are able to support the ministry at this time, we would be very grateful. Your support allows us the opportunity to continue to provide healthcare and hope and to share the gospel with those who desperately need it. We come alongside our church partners in Romania, Moldova, and Guatemala and equip them with the tools and resources they need to minister to those who are hurting or sick in their communities and surrounding villages.

If you have any questions, please contact us at info@ServingHIM.org or 972-370-4441. 

Thank you for your faithful support of ServingHIM. We pray that you and your families will stay safe and healthy in the Lord's hands.

The ServingHIM Golf Committee

2018 ServingHIM Golf Tny - 008.jpg

General Donation

Support ServingHIM by making a general donation in lieu of our annual golf tournament donation below. Please make donations by clicking the button below. If you prefer to mail a check, please send it to:


c/o The Hope Center

2001 W. Plano Pkwy.

Suite 1213

Plano, TX 75075

General Golf Tournament Donation

Mission Statement: ServingHIM exists to make disciples through Jesus Christ, bringing hope & healing worldwide.

Luke 9:2, β€œAnd He sent his disciples out to proclaim the Kingdom of God & to heal the sick.”